Monday, May 24, 2010

Joyliana's Joy

Joyliana is not being her normal colicky self. She used to cry for 9 to 12 hours a day. However, I think it's safe to say that the new normal is happy! The doctors put her on more pancreatic enzyme, upped her dosage of Prevacid, added Zantac, took me off dairy products so it doesn't get in my milk, and any formula she does get is something disgusting smelling and worse tasting called Alimentum. Alimentum doesn't have the dairy proteins that they think she's allergic to. I think with all of these together it is making a huge difference!

She is sleeping like a newborn. The Dr. told me to enjoy it. :D They think she is finally catching up on the sleep she didn't get for months and months. I feed her, change her, she plays and smiles for about 15 - 20 minutes and then sleeps until it's time to eat again. I love it!


Marie said...

When Kael finally got on Prevacid and Zantac at the right doses and we were tube feeding so he wasn't aspirating and everything was getting time to heal it was a miracle! And he was the same way- He slept and slept and slept. At almost a year, he was still sleeping 20ish hours a day. Of course, as a tiny newborn he slept 8 hours a day, so I know he was just trying to catch up. It really is just so much trial and error until you can figure out what makes them comfortable. I'm glad something is working! :0)

Sherilyn said...

Regina she is beautiful. So sorry she is having to go though so much in her short little life but hopefully things calm down for you and for you swee little Joyliana

jerolyn said...

She's so cute! I'm adding your blog to my list so I can keep up with your cute family!!!

Andrea said...

Oh, she's so cute. We've been praying for you!

Lisabug said...

AWww what a sweetheart!! If you still would like me to watch her or Hannah any time just let me know! I'd love to help! :)
It's so good to hear that you're all doing so much better!!

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